What do you sacrifice for your children? 2   Recently updated !

As a mother and a wife, I have come to realize how easy it is to lose myself in all of the everyday tasks, errands, chores, and making everyone else happy in my home.

Why do we, as women, feel the need to give up pieces of ourselves when we ‘settle down’ and start families? Personally, I think it all comes down to the maternal and natural instincts to want the best for those we love even when it means sacrificing our own happiness. But WHY? Why do we have to become unhappy in the process? Why is our happiness not as important as our family’s happiness? And, When did it become someone elses job to ensure that we are happy?

I think back to my days of freedom, non-commitment, and youth and remember being happy, laughing, and carefree. Why did becoming a mom make me an extension of my child or my husband? Well, I will tell you, because I forgot to make ME happy. Yes, ME! I deserve happiness as well, and if I cannot do that for myself, then how am I to be able to do that for those I love and care for? Families are supposed to be one cohesive unit, but many times, mothers and wives forget to take care of themselves in all the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

When I came across this video yesterday on Facebook, I was taken aback by the powerful answer that Jada Pinkett Smith gave when asked by her daughter, Willow, “How hard is it being a wife and mom?”. I do not know that I could have given an answer like this myself and realized exactly how true each word she spoke resonated in my soul.

If you do nothing else today, take a few minutes and listen to her message, as it could touch you in a very deep way. It made me realize many things that had evaded me until I watched in awe. Her answer is completely true and entirely raw.

Please feel free to comment below and let me know what you got from this message that she so strongly conveyed to her beloved Willow. I would love to know your thoughts.

Dora Clemons
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Dora Clemons

How do you sum a person up in a few short lines? Sheesh!! Well here goes, I am a 30 something year old SAHM, wife, and blogger. I am curious about all things pertaining to parenting, and everyday becomes a brand new learning adventure for me and my family.
I love being able to share my experiences, give advice, and help others to be as successful as possible!
I grew up in the country. Born and raised in NC, but am now in the sunny state of FL (and LOVE it here). Since I hate the cold, this is a great place to be!
So... enough about me! I'm so glad you stopped by and I can't wait to hear your feedback. Feel free to drop us a line in the comments section and let me know what you think, would like to see, or if you have an idea for a post!!
Dora Clemons
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About Dora Clemons

How do you sum a person up in a few short lines? Sheesh!! Well here goes, I am a 30 something year old SAHM, wife, and blogger. I am curious about all things pertaining to parenting, and everyday becomes a brand new learning adventure for me and my family. I love being able to share my experiences, give advice, and help others to be as successful as possible! I grew up in the country. Born and raised in NC, but am now in the sunny state of FL (and LOVE it here). Since I hate the cold, this is a great place to be! So... enough about me! I'm so glad you stopped by and I can't wait to hear your feedback. Feel free to drop us a line in the comments section and let me know what you think, would like to see, or if you have an idea for a post!!

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2 thoughts on “What do you sacrifice for your children?

  • Reply
    Clo Nevaeh

    She has a solid point and so do you. It’s always about taking care of yourself first. Ideally, you take care of yourself then have children but if children come first then you gotta find time in between. I found this quote the other day and it reminds me of this.. “Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life” by Dolly Parton. It’s hard taking care of yourself, children and husband. Sometimes your husband needs guidance too. It’s hard being a mama, we don’t get all the credit but it’s the love we get in return that matters.

    • Reply
      Dora Clemons Post author

      It truly is a hard thing, but with all of the joys, love, and memories we get in return, some of the sacrificing ends up being well worth it! I love that saying by Dolly as well, I heard it many times growing up and it always stuck with me. I completely agree with you about hubby’s needing guidance, too. My husband was never around babies as much as I was coming up, but he has become an incredible father over the last 16 months.