There are few things that really bother me in life to the point that I want to cry, but my husband and son, now thats a different story. My family is the most important thing to me, and when someone gets hurt, or sick it is hard on everyone.
But… when it is a baby or small child that is sick or hurting, it is hardest on Mommy because Mommy is the care giver for everyone!
We went recently for Bubby’s 6 month check-up and shots. The first time he got shots he just slept, the last 2 times though, he ran a fever and just felt horrible. On top of him running a fever and feeling bad, the same day he got his shots- his first tooth cut! My poor little baby. I want to take all of his pain away but I can’t. I want to make him feel better, and be able to play and smile. I love his little laugh and I haven’t heard it today, so I am sad. As a mother, I feel like I am failing when I can’t make him feel better, but I know that isn’t true. When he smiles at me, I know I am doing my best, and I try every day to help him learn and grow, and teach him to be a happy boy. Even in all of his pain and yuckiness, he tried to smile for his Mommy. It makes my heart melt every time I look at him.
For me, I want to protect my child from everything! Just as most parents tend to do. I want him to never get sick, or have a fever, or feel bad in any way. I don’t want him to skin his knee’s, or fall on the playground, but that is all a part of life I guess. Am I crazy to feel that way? Don’t all parents feel that way
Going forward, I hope that his next shots don’t make him feel bad like this again and that he can be his normal, happy, sweet self.