Babies and Kids tend to get spoiled and it’s time to add mom into the mix.
We are bringing you a great group of bloggers to bring you a Mommy & Me blog hop.
What mom doesn’t love to be pampered from time to time, or win big on one of the many giveaways we ALL enter.
Well, this month we have come together with Mom Talk Reviews to bring you some AMAZING prizes for both Mom and their little one.
One winner will receive over $800 in prizes from this giveaway!!
Be sure to enter to win below, share with your friends, and HOP on over to the next blog to enter there, too!! There are tons of prizes to be won, and each one is different so be sure to enter them all for even more chances to win!!
Once you have finished entering here, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the next blog on the list. Be sure to enter both Grand Prize giveaways to win BIG from Bloggin’ with Bubby’s Mommy & Mom Talk Reviews.
We were able to get some great prizes, and some great sponsors for this giveaway.
Timi & Leslie, lulujo, Zoocchini, Hevea, PiyoPiyo, Little Giraffe, No-Nods, BabyShusher,
Sister Chic, Dreambaby, Wit & Wander, & bebek
Be sure to check out our reviews of all these prizes HERE.
Enter to Win A Grand Prize here from Bloggin’ With Bubby’s Mommy
Hop on over and enter to Win Another Grand Prize from Mom Talk Reviews!!
Enter to win more prizes using the links below.
My absolute favorite thing about being a mom is the cuddles. There is nothing better than having a rough day and the little baby cuddling up in your lap just wanting to be with you.
My favorite thing about being a mommy (I’m only 2 months in) is the feeling I get every time he smiles
It is so fun watching my son grow and learn each and every day! I never knew what full love and sacrifice was until I had my son. I wouldn’t change being a mom for anything! He means the world to me
My favorite thing about being a mom is that someone, besides myself, thinks that I’m awesome!!
First is knowing what the purest kind of love that there is in this world, the most selfless love you’ll experience. Also I love being a mom because it’s made me want to strive to be a better person each day so that my kids can have a good role model and be kind, good people that give back to this society.
The best thing about being a mom is seeing my children grow and learn everyday. It’s amazing how fast babies grow up and how much they learn in such a little time.
Not sure if this happens to everyone or not but when i visit a facebook page from GT and it says the visit is confirmed so i submit it and refresh the page and click the facebook visit link again (it is shaded saying it is still confirmed) but the box saying confirmed is gone so i revisit and the box is back. I re submit and refresh and the same thing happens it also happens to my pinterest url. I wanted to confirm i have visited all the facebook pages and liked them as well as all the pinterest links. My url is pinterest.com/lisamarieweeks i hope this doesnt interfere with me possibly winning. I will also PM your facebook thank you and have an amazing day!!
No hun, you are fine. It shows up as confirmed in the GWT once you visit